© Dana Lynne Andersen

9,500 Year Old Underwater City!

March 9th, 2011 | 10 Comments »

Welcome to the first post of my Yugas Blog!

I look forward to interesting discussions with people who find the yugas as significant and fascinating as I do. The concept of the yugas provides valuable insight as we examine the past, discuss the present, and look to the future — and that covers a lot of ground!

I hope you will subscribe to the blog so you can keep up with discussions as they unfold. More importantly I hope you will participate in the blog by adding your thoughts to the discussion. Also, I would be very happy to hear from you about subjects you want me to address or interesting things you’ve read or heard about that touch on the subject of the yugas.

Today’s topic: The 9,500 year old city found underwater in the Bay of Cambay in India.

The sunken city was surveyed in late 2001 and many amazing results were released in January of 2002. I continue to be surprised that this discovery hasn’t generated more interest. It is extraordinary.

The city is approximately 120 feet beneath the waters of the Bay of Cambay in Gujarat, on the northwest coast of India. The waters in the bay are nearly opaque from the high concentrations of silt in the water which make a visual study of the site almost impossible. However, archeologists were able to use side-scanning sonar to survey the site and used a dredge to obtain samples.

The first thing that makes this find extraordinary is its size — five miles long by two miles wide. This is huge by the standards of ancient cities. The second thing that makes this find extraordinary is its age — 9,500 years old (7500BC). The age was derived from carbon dating some of the artifacts which were brought up from the site including pieces of wood and human bones. The third thing that makes it extraordinary is sonar evidence of massive, rectilinear-stone blocks. The rectilinear outline of the stone blocks indicates that they were dressed and moved by people. These blocks are larger and older than any other manmade stone blocks known to archeology.

It is likely that the underwater city in the Bay of Cambay was part of the ancient Vedic civilization that includes Mehrgarh (9000 years old; 7000BC) in nearby Pakistan, and it is therefore the oldest known city of the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC). (The IVC’s later and better known ancient cities include Harrappa and Mohenjo-daro which were built around 3000BC.) Mehrgarh is the site of the world’s oldest known in-vivo dentistry (performed on a living person) as evidenced by (healed over) circular drill marks on the molars found in several skeletons.

The Bay of Cambay’s underwater city has been largely ignored in the West, as was the discovery of Mehrgahr in 1974, perhaps because it would mean the overthrow of the mainstream western view that the fertile crescent area (which includes the Tigris/Euphrates Valley) is the birthplace of civilization. Yet even the oldest cities in the fertile crescent are perhaps 8000 years old while most are 5000 years old or less. Mehrgarh and the sunken city in the Bay of Cambay predate even the oldest fertile crescent city by at least one thousand years.

In terms of the cycle of the yugas, the sunken city in the Bay of Cambay (7500BC) was built during the waning years of descending Satya Yuga (11,500BC to 6700BC), and Mehrgarh (7000BC) was built in the period of transition from descending Satya Yuga to descending Treta Yuga. (The 400 year Satya Yuga transition period, or sandhi, began in 7100BC.) Perhaps we will one day find even older cities, or perhaps we will find these cities were the first to be built — as the Paradisiacal influence of Satya Yuga waned and the slightly more material influence of Treta Yuga began.

Best regards,
Joseph Selbie